End of Session Report 2024

April 16, 2024

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Last Monday, the 446th Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly adjourned Sine Die, marking the end of a productive 90-day Legislative Session. As I reflect on our accomplishments, I am immensely proud of the strides we made and the positive impact we achieved for the constituents of District 47A. 

During this session, I was honored to serve as Vice-Chair for the Public Safety and Administration sub-committee of the Appropriations Committee. I was appointed to the Capital Budget sub-committee. As one of two Prince Georgians serving on the Capital Budget sub-committee, I made it my priority to ensure we got our fair share, and we did!

Funding for District 47A

One of the primary focuses of my efforts was securing funding for critical projects in District 47A. I am pleased to report that we were successful in securing significant allocations, including:

  • $250,000 from the operating budget for Child Resource Connect
  • $500,000 for the Prince George’s Gateway Development Authority to be distributed as grants to local businesses, non-profits, and local governments for capital projects
  • $500,000 for flood mitigation within District 47A
  • Authorizing the Governor to appropriate up to $5 million in the annual budget for the Victims of Domestic Violence Program Grant Fund
  • Requiring 40% of funding provided under the Comprehensive Flood Management Grant Program to be used for projects located in or directly benefiting underserved or overburdened communities. A huge win for Prince George’s County!
  • $1 million for the Capital Region Violence Intervention Program 

In addition to these allocations, my colleagues and I worked diligently to secure funding for various District 47 projects, including:

  • $7.5 million for the Hospital Hill redevelopment 
  • $5 million to repurpose the Old Fairmont Heights High School building
  • $500,000 to make enhancements to Lariscy Park
  • $150,000 to upgrade the playspace infrastructure at Robert Yost Park 

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Highlights

This year, as a state,  we are in a fundamental discussion about what we prioritize collectively. The FY25 budget reflects our values and underscores our commitments to education, transportation, and other crucial areas:

  • Continued implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, with $9.1 billion in state support for public schools and an estimated $457.1 million increase in aid to local school systems.
  • Securing funding for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund through FY27, ensuring the fulfillment of commitments made to educators and students, including expanding Pre-K programs, enhancing reading proficiency, diversifying the teaching workforce, and supporting special needs students and English language learners.
  • Stabilizing state transportation funding with $330 million allocated to support various initiatives, including local roads and bridges, transit systems, MTA operations, and future transportation projects.
  • Enhancing Funding for Public Safety and Maintaining Support for Victim Services: The FY25 Budget funds police aid at $121.4 million, $46 million above the statutorily required amount. New funding of $8 million is provided for gun violence prevention and intervention programs, while $10.3 million is invested in community-based services for juveniles and services to families residing in communities with high crime rates.
  • Child Care: Almost $488 million of new funding has been allocated to the Child Care Scholarship Program to address shortfalls in FY23 and 24 and adequately fund the FY25 budget. The program has seen participation more than double since January 2021 to more than 31,000 children. The FY25 budget prohibits any increase in co-payments on families participating in the Child Care Scholarship Program above those in place on January 1, 2024.
  • Continuing to Provide Vital Health Care Services: Medicaid funding totals $14.4 billion, allowing the state to provide coverage to over 1.6 million of our residents. Rate increases of 3% are funded for providers serving the developmentally disabled, behavioral health providers, nursing homes, and most Medicaid community–based providers.
  • Investing in the State’s Climate Pollution Reduction Plan: The FY25 Budget includes $90 million for climate pollution reduction efforts, including $17 million for grants to purchase/lease electric school buses, $23 million to install vehicle charging infrastructure and $50 million for grants to electrify hospitals, schools, multi–family housing, and other community buildings.

Legislative Accomplishments

Our legislative achievements extended beyond funding allocations as we enacted several significant policy reforms and expansions. Notable accomplishments include:

  • Raising the minimum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) allotment per family to $95/month and lowering the minimum age for a household member to be eligible to receive the supplemental nutrition benefit.
  • Protecting renters from certain evictions and giving renters the opportunity to purchase a rental property if the property owner decides to sell it, i.e., the “Right of First Refusal.” The bill also establishes an Office of Tenant Rights to communicate with and advocate for renters and provide them with information on how to best exercise their rights. To discourage serial eviction filing, it also raises the eviction filing fee in Maryland from $8 to $43 and bars evictions during times of extreme weather conditions and other public health emergencies. 
  • Passing the Tenant Safety Act of 2024 to ensure that tenants can join in a suit together against a landlord for a violation of habitability standards at the rental property. Tenants can bring a suit against a landlord if the property owner refuses to address aspects of the dwelling that could pose a life, health, or safety risk. 

Thank you to all who engaged with the legislative process through calls, emails, or visits. Your input and support have been invaluable. As we adjourn and transition into the interim period, my office is still here to assist you, so please do not hesitate to contact julian.ivey@house.state.md.us or 410-841-3326/ 301-858-3326.

I look forward to continuing our work together for the betterment of Prince George’s County and the state of Maryland.


Delegate Julian Ivey

Maryland House of Delegates, District 47A